Some projects and initiatives i'm really proud of.

I’ve worked on tons of projects over the years both big and small but these are the ones that I’m most proud of. They span across engineering, teaching, experience design, culture building, partnerships, and public speaking. Feel free to inquire about any of them!

  • Experience Design AI Program

    Championed the foundation for what our Experience Design AI Program within Ford XD would be. Elements including forging external partnerships with industry leading AI players, researching latest trends and technical discoveries, prototyping experiences that leverage emerging technologies and attacked customer problems, iteratively executing agile design sprints using a build, measure, learn cycle, and finally, forging strategic partnerships within the organization so that our creations had permanent homes.

  • Test Drive - Your Way

    details coming soon.

  • Personalized Vehicle Delivery

    details coming soon.

  • Ford Advisors 24/7 Live Support

    details coming soon.

  • Ford Psychological Safety Initiative

    details coming soon.

  • Software Craftsmanship Bootcamp - Instructor

    Details coming soon.

  • Hack Dearborn - U of M Dearborn Hackathon Keynote Speaker

    I was fortunate enough to provide the keynote speech at a University of Michigan - Dearborn Hackathon titled "Hack Dearborn". I provided students with guidance on how to navigate the world of Software Engineering with the emergence of AI. I also provided structure on how to experiment in an agile way that leverages design sprints; forming hypothesis, crafting experiments, building prototypes, gathering insights, and iterating until you hone in on what your product or solution will be.